A Distance between Squirrel Parts…

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Sorry for the little hiatus since the Seven Days of Seuss. I had (and still have) every intention of getting right back to the normal Crumbly Drawing silliness afterwards, as well as finish the remaining layout for the book, but Circumstance (the bastard step-brother of Fate) seemed to have had other plans for me…namely, the Flu.
Almost as soon as the sickness started to let up, my faithful old “Worky” PC died on me, having most likely overheard me talk about getting a new system and thereby losing the will to let, apparently. I did buy a new system (which I’m in love with), and am nearly back up and running…but in setting it up I discovered that my scanner is just a bit too late of a model to have had drivers made for it to work on Windows 7. So, now I await my new scanner to arrive in the mail….hopefully tomorrow…so I can get back to scanning these little bastards for this blog as well as the book. Bah!

So here’s a little preview of things to come when that finally happens:


Names From a Hat..or, the Conclusion…

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, that was unexpected and unplanned for….getting the flu on the last days of the Seven that is. That’s not how I intended things to go, and again, I apologize to everyone for keeping you all waiting for the results. So let’s just get right to it then, shall we?
First, we’ll recap on the seven tributes:

catmarvinloraxyertlebraggartsbeetlehorton…and now for the revealing of the unnamed three:

mcphailclark(this one turned out to prove the most difficult for many of you)


So there they are. I have never really done a contest like this, so I was afraid of either making it to easy on everyone, and thereby no fun…or making it too difficult and thereby no fun. I think I might have got it right in the middle…at least I hope that I did. Many folks got some of these three right off the bat, while many took several guesses. But all in all there was a good turnout of tries and a good many correct answers….which brings us to our winners:

Thing One (Snorter McPhail) - Mary Margaret Trinkle

Thing Two (Clark) - Dawn Angell Williams

Thing Three (Slow Joe Crow) - Nicole Ludwig

…and the secret added contest lottery, a drawing from those that got all three correct:

Jonathan Hawpe

…who win get a copy of the Crumbly Nevertheless Book as soon as it’s printed.

Way to go folks! I will be contacting the winners shortly. Thanks to everyone that participated…I hope you all enjoyed this. Sorry to those who’s names did not get drawn, I still hope you enjoyed it. I would have liked to get a drawing to everyone, but I am poor. Alas.

Apologies and Things that Rhyme with Apologies..

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dear readers,
I am really very sorry for the delay in the results of the Seuss Contest, plus I apologize for any misspellings that sneak past me as I write this..I am in bed using my phone to write this. Seems that I have caught a strain of the crud that I'll name Jeremy...or Rob...or Job! WhTever.

That was supposed to say "whatever"...see what I mean?

I DO have all of the results of the contest, I WILL pick the winners out of a hat (maybe even a gas mask, since they all look very Suessian to me)...just not just yet. I'm sorry, I really do feel like hell and I don't mean to keep everyone waiting...but please wait.

Thank you all for participating in this little project I made up, and thanks for being patient with me as I incubate the apparent next pandemic. Now, I request orange juice and clean clothes...

There’s a Cake in My Pocket…

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


….and so we come to the end, Seven Days leading up to Theodor Seuss Geisel’s birthday. This post is entirely toooo late, and for that I apologize. I had intended to post the results of the contest earlier in the evening, but Mother Nature it seems had other plans for me. I have been fighting off a cold or something for the past several days, and I think I’m finally losing that fight.
All is not lost! I have everyone’s answers and I’m compiling them all into four groups for the four lotteries and will draw the winners tonight. The results will be posted tomorrow morning and I will make efforts to contact the winners (many of you failed to also include your contact info….Boo on you I say!)

Again, I apologize for the delay.

But let’s take this moment to wish Theodor Seuss Geisel a very happy Birthday, and I’d like to personally thank him for his books that my father read to me every night (well, at least until I was four) which inspired me into doing many of the things that I enjoy doing today.
Dr. Seuss, I’m glad I got to grow up with you. Happy Birthday!

…and here’s an added bonus…I received this on my phone during the day. It’s my favorite two little munchkins who I shall forever now refer to as Thing One and Thing Two:


The Last Day Before….

Monday, March 1, 2010


 Dr. Seuss Quote of the Day
"Preachers in pulpits talked about what a great message is in the book. No matter what you do, somebody always imputes meaning into your books.."

Seuss Fact:
The line “A person’s a person, no matter how small,” from “Horton Hears a Who!,” has been used as a slogan for anti-abortion organizations. It’s often questioned whether that was Seuss’ intent in the first place, but when he was still alive, he threatened to sue an anti-abortion group unless they removed his words from their letterhead.

Seuss_7-Horton                                            -Horton
ballpoint pen on paper

Last night folks! Sorry for the late post of this my seventh drawing for the late Dr. Seuss. You didn’t think that I’d actually leave out Horton did you? In all honesty, I almost did. Somehow, I cannot count up to a full week. I realized this morning that I had only drawn six little tributes, thinking that the last day would fall on Seuss’ actual birthday, and the lottery subsequently.
So here we are….seven days, seven drawings, plus three that are available to win. Not a bad week…even if I am exhausted and my mother just gave me grief that I’m doing things for free and other motherly concerns….in all honesty, I kind of blocked her out and started daydreaming of monkeys made of marshmallows having a knife fight in the treetops.
I will draw the names of the three (i mean four) winners tomorrow evening and post the results right afterwards. Until then, keep the guesses coming….I’ll accept them until midday tomorrow.

all Content © Copyright 2006-2010 | s.fisher williams / aqualab studios