When I was very little, my Grandfather told me that Asian women had horizontal vaginas. I was too young to question him, nor did I see any reason to think that he would be pulling my leg....also, I had no idea at the time as to what a vagina was....so I held on to this belief for far longer than I ever should have. It is completely untrue, of course, nor does it have anything to do with this post other than the fact that Rachael mentioned that my blog was getting boring so I thought the image of a sideways womanhood would at least fuel the comment section, seeing as the vast majority of you don't make it past the first paragraph out of your fear of words. So, for the rest of us, let's move on.
So, a drawing that I started over two years ago, and one of the only survivors of everything I lost when moving here, as well as the reason that I've been more antisocial than usual, is finally done and framed and ready to be presented this weekend at the opening, along with a few much smaller works. I have to say that I am both happy as hell to have it completed and sick to death of seeing it. I think that one of the reasons I refrain from drawings of this size is that given the time it takes to complete them I tend to lose interest, or worse yet, my mind wanders while working towards things that I could be doing otherwise....like having a love life for example. But then I snap back to reality and laugh out loud....alone......followed shortly after by the disrobing of all clothing, the fetal position in the corner of my room, and the rocking back and forth until morning.
No, honestly, one of the things I suffer while either writing or drawing is that while doing so I tend to have the most visits from my drunken muse. Sometimes I am lucky enough to try some form of documenting these ideas and random thoughts to do something with later, but most unfortunately are lost to wherever these kinds of notions get lost to......most likely to the heads of random schizophrenic street vagrants, which is my mother's theory.
Anyway, having said all that, I am now wondering why it is exactly that I have started two more drawings roughly the same size of the one I just completed.......Fuck You Love Life!!! (shaking fists in the air)
In a quick summary of other news: the show is this weekend (Saturday & Sunday)...which I have posted about previously; I just learned that an old friend, Duncan Barlow, will be moving away from Denver to Florida on Monday, so I'll be ducking out of the art extraveganza to see him off this Saturday; I have another show lined up on Santa Fe for November, thanks in part to the great hunt this past weekend to find a place to have the above mentioned drawing scanned for my portfolio; some friends from Louisville, as well as previous members of Slint fame, Dead Child, will be playing at the High Dive this monday...so come on out to see that if you are able; and finally, I have decided to rethink my Myspace profile as well as completely do away with the design of my defunct website.....more on that at a later time.
But for now I must go as my muse is back and vomitting in the bathroom and she likes it when I hold her hair for her.
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