A Case for End Credit Theme Songs…

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Now, I want you all to bear in mind that as I write these words, my stomach is trying to kill me. I’m not saying that my stomach is a little upset and is sitting in defiance with it’s arms crossed at the bottom of my torso, no…I’m saying that at some point it acquired a gun and a saber and a pirate’s voice and we are in the process of dueling until one or both of us are mortally wounded, and then the end credits start rolling to a crap song written by the director’s nephew.
This really has nothing to do with the original intent of this post, it’s just that I sometimes have trouble thinking of intros along side the fact that I’ve always felt my readers lack a basic exposure to Pirate Stomach Battle Films necessary to fully enjoy the intro I just wrote……why are you looking at me like that?

In any case, going back to the original intent of this update, which was to give you all a quick update on some goings on, the first being the state of my website. Some of you might have already seen, the website is currently in a sort of limbo state.

The reason for this is because I have switched between web hosts (which some of you know can take a little bit of time for the name servers to propagate and files to then be moved); But I’ve also decided that the site needs a complete overhauling. So, I hope to acquaint you all soon with a new updated version that is a bit more streamlined and makes a bit more sense.

And just a quick mention of a few things I ‘ve already told you, but you might have forgotten when faced with the horror that is Pirate Stomach Battle Films:

● My CafePress Store has been made a “pro account”, meaning that there will be more things offered on a regular basis…

● There have been more prints added to my ImageKind Store, and again, more to come, hopefully on a regular basis as well…

● “Ϣ” is a really cool looking character that I wish I had more of a reason to use…

…..and lastly, I have officially killed off the Crumbly Nevertheless Blog, doing so for a few reasons: First, there hasn’t been any reason for me to keep up with new updates seeing as I ended the drawing series over a year ago; Second, the impending FINAL version of the Crumbly Nevertheless Book is at press, and while I’m cover6aware I’ve threatened this before and might be jinxing the whole project by even merely mentioning it here while I await the proof copy that is to be mailed to me, I’m still finding myself optimistic enough to announce that it WILL be soon available (god willing) and better represents the series than the blog.

Plus, I didn’t completely kill off the blog without leaving a trace. All of the posts were incorporated into this here blog, before the final blow was dealt and the shallow grave was filled.

Of course, there will be more on the book as soon as the proof copy arrives and (again, god willing) is approved.

Am I forgetting any updates that you should know? Probably. But if so, I blame the blood loss as a result of the Pirate Stomach Battle from earlier. Seems I’m losing the fight. It also seems that I sometimes have problems with conclusions to these posts……and then the End Credits roll.

A Tragedy in the Form of Promised Things…

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I have threatened to do a lot of things over the past few years: finish various projects I started, in some cases, years before; Find a cure for sleep; Create artificial life from a variety of luncheon meats sewn together and then train it to ride the bus and make people very uncomfortable.
While many of these things I’ve threatened might never see the light of day, for reasons ranging from being impractical, not having the time or being illegal in most or all States, I am happy to report to you dear readers that I have finally made good on one of these long-time threats, that is, actually making a Pro account of my Café Press Store in order to offer more than one of any given thing. And while this might not be as exciting news as, say, reading about a man made of luncheon meats being torn asunder in the city streets by countless birds while a bus of horrified onlookers slowly start to feel a wave of relief, it…..well, it……let’s just move on.
So, in christening the new store (or the promise of the new store, as there is still a lot of formatting and additions to be made as I write this) I have added a few new items, as can be seen below.

The coffee mug pictured above is entitled “Winter Scene” and was especially draw for drinking out of….whatever that means. No, actually, it means that this image will only come in mug form….at least for now.
I am in the process of designing many more mugs, and can pretty much predict that down the road, coffee mugs will dominate this store as they are quick and easy items that are made to hold one of my favorite things on this planet.
While I can’t say this bumper sticker is very artistic, I will say that it goes with my philosophy of nonsense…I can also say that there will be many more, just for the fun of it all.
Like I said, right now the store is rough and in it’s settling stages. There are just random items on the storefront that I’ll need to put in sections or do away with altogether. I’m also hoping to add at least one product per week, give or take…and some most likely will be sillier than others.
So check the store often, at least to see some artwork that I’ll not post anywhere else. And of course I’ll be posting updates of such things here.

Planting a Garden of Fridays…

Saturday, March 5, 2011

So here’s the thick of it": Twitter can suck my balls! (how’s THAT for an opening line Mr. Zubrick, my 7th grade Social Studies teacher?)twitterBird Actually, no. I didn’t mean that…as I have become somewhat addicted to Twitter lately, and have to admit that it shoulders a bit of the blame for my absence from this blog (not to mention actual human contact and conversation).
If blogging were a drug, then Twitter would be the equivalent of a one-hitter, or a speed bump; just enough rounds of quick fixes that can keep one sustained and believing that they are acting perfectly normal in public, when in reality they are arguing about toast-crumb rights with an abandoned soiled shirt on a park bench….and I suppose that would make this very blog the equivalent of nodding off in a back alley with twelve needles in your arm while a family of rats wait patiently in the shadows for the sun to finish setting so they can eat your face and feet off, and then you soil yourself….but I’m kind of getting away from the point.

The reason that I brought up Twitter at all was so that I could explain where the idea for the subject of this post came from. One of the trends that I have found myself getting caught up in on Twitter is what’s called Follow Friday, or simply tagged #FF, and it’s a easy enough idea, basically that of suggesting to others who to follow.
I have discovered some cool artists and illustrators, writers and thinkers and a few trouble makers through this process.

In my attempts to return to the world of blog writing, I thought it a good idea to try to emulate the Follow Friday posts here. So, that’s exactly what I’m attempting to start with this post, and will continue to do so on a relatively loose weekly basis. I will try to bring at least one person or website or what have you every week with a short explanation of “why” or at least a description.
To start the whole process off, this week I introduce you to two other blogs I find myself always looking forward to reading new posts from…


Maintained by Dana (no last name given) who describes herself as an arts, culture, literature, technology, science and media geek. SheWalksSoftly has been a go-to blog for me for a few years now. We seem to share the same tastes in a great many things, and she seems to discover them online before I do…so, for that reason, I tend to discover them through her and her blog…..and for that, I am grateful.

Simply put: Billy Donald is both my friend and my arch nemesis, and I have designs to destroy him, I cannot mention him or his blog here without first stating that all important fact. That being said, Billy has amassed quite a following since starting (restarting, again & again) his blog, and with very good reason; His blog is hilarious and very well written! I liken Billy to social critics such as George Carlin for this reason: underneath the humor is a foundation of high intelligence that is so subtle it could often go unnoticed, but without it the argument would collapse….if that makes any sense. In any case, I still plan to destroy him.


To both I offer the newly created and soon to be highly sought after Zombiespoon Manifesto “Head on a Stick Award!” to take or leave as they see fit…but at least to know that it was offered. (blog awards are such silly things you’d think I’d have created one long ago)ZS_Head-on-a-Stick


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