By the Way….

Saturday, January 24, 2009

In case any of you missed it from the last post…..yes, the god damned website id finally LIVE!!

There is still a lot to be done to it…I need to finish up the galleries as well as add some…there is a lot of fine tuning and tweaks that I still need to do….but Holy Christ with a Head-Wound eating a Soggy Cracker!!! I've finally gone and made the website live! Jumping Fetal Virgin Mary with Pink-Eye!!

Take a peek and let me know what you think, or if anything doesn't work or is misspelled..etc.


A Fistful of Pages…

So, uh, yeah….the website is coming along. I have been threatening to finish this for so long I can’t even remember starting it to be completely honest. I want to say that I’m just days away from going live, but it seems that every time that I do, something goes horribly wrong or I wind up in a Turkish prison. So I’m done saying it. I’m just going to say that it’s come a long way since I decided to completely redesign it from a flash based site to entirely HTML, with most of the elements now completed…

Here's a peek of what to expect:


So uh, yeah…I suspect that’ll I’ll receive grief from everyone now, which I deserve. Like I said, I’ve been threatening to complete this damn thing for as long as I’ve been online practically.

And, just for the record, everything written above is what I would have said if I didn’t just make the website live finally!!! Don’t believe me? I don’t blame you….but click on the image to go there nonetheless. Now, I need to go drink myself into a stupor.

Here Comes the Change…..

Thursday, January 22, 2009


You had to know that this was inevitable.

I would say that you had to know that I would return to the realm of blogging as well, but then I’ve never quite taken this long of a break from it, not counting when I lived briefly in New York and was forced to pay in blood for mere minutes of internet connectivity.

In any case, and for lack of any good reasons, I am back….and BOY do I have stories to tell! Stories involving dwarves that collect thumbs, a square dancing ghost in army fatigues, cheeses the like of which you all have NEVER seen, and a vegetarian ant eater that starved to death in my bathroom.

But right now I have to leave you in order to continue my arguments with my web-host who, as it turns out, limits the amount of file transfers per day….which, to me, seems to defeat the purpose of my paying them so much god-damned money!

And by the way, Happy New Year to all of you!


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