Listing Imaginary Orthographies...Part 11 of 26

Monday, December 26, 2011

K is for Kraken

“K is for Kraken” – 3.5x5 inch - ink on paper …eleventh week of Alphabeasts.

The End, as We Know It, For Now…

Monday, December 19, 2011

…and I Feel Fine-ish

Last week I posted the last of the Crumbly Drawings to my Etsy storefront; not ALL of the drawings, just all of the ones that’ll be made available.
The full collection is still available in book form in its entirety: My Legs Are Useless

There is more news, but I’ll save that for its own post in the coming days. Until then, thanks to all the positive responses to these drawings and to those who have purchased some! Cheers!


CN_111          CN_112

CN_113          CN_114


Listing Imaginary Orthographies...Part 10 of 26

J is for Jackalope

“J is for Jackalope” – 3.5x5 inch - ink on paper …tenth week of Alphabeasts.

Two in One…or The Second to Last Day..

Monday, December 12, 2011

I is for Imp

“I is for Imp” – 3.5x5 inch - ink on paper …ninth week of Alphabeasts.
I’ve got two posts in one for you today, the latest Alphabeast drawing, as you can see above, and the five latest Crumbly drawings just recently listed to the Etsy Store below…

CN_106          CN_107
CN_108          CN_109

Tomorrow will be the last update to the Esty Store (well, last update of Crumbly Drawings).
There will be other items eventually listed – handmade Curio-Styled items; Prints: other drawings; etc. – but not before a break to get some needed work done…namely: completing the new website and finishing artwork for several submissions I can mention no more about at this time.
Sometimes I find it hard to think of how to end these posts, so today I’ll just do so by punching myself in the face and hitting “publish”…

the End is Near…

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Only two more days, ten more drawing to list after these…and who knows? Then I might start list strange little sculptures or other things.


CN_091          CN_092

CN_093          CN_094

CN_095          CN_096

CN_097          CN_098

CN_099          CN_100

CN_101          CN_102

CN_103          CN_104


A Horizon Drawing Closer…

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Three days and fifteen more drawings posted. We’re getting close to the end of these…only a few more days left to go.
Thanks to all those that have purchased a drawing or two; to those that have helped me by retweeting/reposting the drawings & the store; and to those that have just browsed the collection and enjoyed them enough to say so.

It means a lot to me.


CN_076          CN_077

CN_078          CN_079

CN_080          CN_081

CN_082          CN_083

CN_084          CN_085

CN_086          CN_087

CN_088          CN_089


The Math is Dressed in Vinyl…

Monday, December 5, 2011

It’s been several days since my last update about the Crumbly drawings that are being listed, so there have been many added:

CN_051          CN_052

CN_053          CN_054

CN_055          CN_056

CN_057          CN_058

CN_059          CN_060

CN_061          CN_062

CN_063          CN_064

CN_065          CN_066

CN_067          CN_068

CN_069          CN_070

CN_071          CN_072

CN_073          CN_074


This brings the total to 75 drawings now posted of the 115. Only a few more weeks to go….and then I can rest…..or not:


I’m currently choosing a few of these Crumbly characters to sculpt for limited edition either vinyl or resin figures. This will be an entirely new area for me, one I know very little about, so I’m sorta feeling my way as I go.
The idea is to start out with five of my favorite characters from this entire series. If I’m able to accomplish making them into finished figures, then I might continue with a second series, but that will be down the road a ways if at all.
The first thing to do is to pick five and start sculpting…in which I’m open for suggestions.


all Content © Copyright 2006-2010 | s.fisher williams / aqualab studios