Another Book Plus Twenty…

Saturday, September 29, 2012

So, I basically left off my updates here with the completion of the Alphabeasts (albeit, late completion), and during those weeks of drawing and posting, I alluded to the fact several times that I planned on collecting all of them in their own tome (for I like the word “tome”….as well as the fact that many people asked me how they could see or acquire this series).

BUT; (isn’t there always a “but”?) I wasn’t done just by finishing the series. While making the initial list of creatures to coincide with each letter of the alphabet, there were many that turned out to be second runners up….and third and fourths for that matter. So I kept drawing, and eventually completed an additional twenty creatures.

Here is a tease of the additional beasts:


I am still working on this collected volume I’ve been threatening to make available, which will contain all the alphabeasts shown online as well as the twenty added.

I hope to have a bit more information on it in the very near future.

Exit Diogenes…

It truly has been a long time since I posted any updates here, and as many of you might already know, a main reason for that has been the death of an old, good friend Jason Noble on August 4th. Jason had been fighting a rare form of cancer for three years, and his death hit all of his friends and family hard, as anyone could imagine. It also made my little narcissistic ways seem completely unimportant for the time-being.

I cannot really say anything that this article hasn’t said better:

In any case, a lot has gone on since my last update, and I have a lot of catching up to do. But for now, let me once again say goodbye to Jason, my friend and someone I totally looked up to, and leave you all with just a bit of the beauty he left behind.

Lloyd’s Register from The Sea & the Bells

You will be missed….


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