Something in the Oatmeal is Crying...
So, no...I haven't written for a bit...falling away from my promise to keep this here thing updated on a more regular basis. Do I apologize for this? No, not really. It's been a fairly eventful few which I'll take this opportunity to sum up without much detail:
Crushed toe and broken foot; discovery of website stealing my identity and work; talks with lawyers; visit from Clint and Jaime of "Clint and Jaime in the Morning" fame; loss of MySpace Profile code due to small unnecessary nav bar update; attempts to contact MySpace admins over stupid update 2 which adds codes for everyone and their mothers to use to share my images from my albums regardless of the fact that my privacy setting are marked NOT to do far no response; many many days in a row at work after changing my schedule around to have more days off to be with my father who got into town yesterday.....
...which just about sums it all up. Today will be my last day at work for several days, after which I plan to spend with my father and my brother, plotting my mother's it'll probably be several more days before I update this here thing again, especially with anything substantial to say.
Goat bless you all!
the Misplaced Weekday...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I have to admit to being very fond of this here little few-minute much so in fact that it has sparked a whole new series of drawings that I'm currently working on......more on that later, and most likely in the other blog....
Copymarks and Water-rights....
There is both a great advantage as well as an equal disadvantage to being an artist of any sort in this day and age. The advantage is that with the unequaled ease of communication (internet) the artist, writer, musician, mime, etc., can reach a far wider audience than ever before. The disadvantage is that the artist, writer, musician, mime, etc., can reach a far wider audience than ever before.
Those of you who might have noticed, I have recently been in the process of uploading new pictures and drawings in the galleries on my MySpace profile, as well as re-uploading those that were already there....all now containing watermarks, which I have to admit to hating, but it has become necessary. I have also had a legal copyright disclaimer drafted that I've been instructed to post in every gallery as well as with all my online profiles contained elsewhere.
The reason for these changes is due to two newly discovered facts I have made about myself. The first is that I apparently have a twin that shares the same name, the same online persona, and not only the same drawing style...but many of the exact same drawings that I have made, that my twin was selling as prints on his (or their) own online storefront. I was about to buy some of these prints to help support my long lost apparently fell from the wagon train as an infant brother until, that is, I made the second discovery.....that I have no fucking twin brother!!
For those of you who might in the future find yourselves having a twin that you don't have, let me take this opportunity to extend my sympathies. Not only for the hardships you'll face of losing a non-loved one, but also for the difficulty you'll face of proving not only that you have no such twin, but that you yourself are not your own twin!
All silliness aside, this entire situation has left me feeling ill. I have never thought that I had reached a point doing my work that I might be endangered of having it stolen from me....I'm still in awe that it had. And I am fucking angry! I am angry for being ripped-off; I am angry for being forced to take the measures to detour being stolen from in the future; most of all, I am angry that I cannot help but feel that I am 'the asshole' for being forced to protect myself by taking action against a thief!
Rather than end this on a somber/non-silly note, I will share with you another fact that I have come across:
Things I Learned from The Lord of the Rings Movies, Lesson 47
Women are attracted to men with giant tomato-looking heads.