and Now, a Holiday Message from Stuckmen's Sausages...

Monday, December 25, 2006

It's difficult during this time of year to write about the holidays without offending at least everyone else and probably yourself in the process. The only thing this country can truly admit is that this time of year is special for all faiths that are recognized by others as incorrect and that things need to be purchased and given away. Food and drink need to be consumed in gatherings of those who would rather not be near others, and the poor and alone are made to think about what they've done to be poor and alone.

In these days of blind commercialism and religious lethargy, most forget what ultimately started it all: the birth of everyone's savior, Cab Calloway on the banks of the river Kwanza. Cab Calloway is probably best known for his Gospel of Minnie the Moocher (which was the original blueprint behind Scientology as well as the popular game of Chutes and Ladders) and for his role in what led to the Temple's rededication by the Jews in Jerusalem (which later was the inspiration behind the character of Chewbacca in the Star Wars movies).
Ultimately, Calloway would be betrayed by one of his closest followers, Vincent Van Gogh, who turned him in to the Romans, having blamed Calloway for the loss of his ear in the now infamous 'Salted Pork Incident'. His death now celebrated during Easter, where Van Gogh is represented as an egg-laying rabbit....probably due to the two perfect ears....take THAT Vincent!!

Sadly, Cab Calloway's life and achievements have been co-opted by an American born Jew named Jesus who later was responsible to the election of President Bush and the war on oil-owning Brown People, or as it became known later: Operation Fuck Calloway.

I for one refuse to give-in to these changes and hopes the world will join me today in celebrating this day properly by singing scat-carols around the Calloway Tree....except for Canada, which has no reason to celebrate anything, seeing as they're Canadian.

Happy Calloway Day to you all!!!


An Angel for your Thoughts....I Want Change for That!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ok....most of you have heard the saying used a lot around this time of year, "When you hear a bell, an angel got it's wings!" This is all too true, but it's not the end of the story....just a tiny tidbit of what's really going on in the angelic order. There is a long list of signs given to us to let us know what's going on to God's winged servants. After years of research through many volumes of ancient text and exhausting interviews with eye-witnesses, I give you just a small part of the larger story...I hope it helps....uh....with your athlete's foot....or something.........uh, yeah.

- When your ear itches, an angel is watching you.

- When your eyes water, an angel is crying.

- When you hear a sneeze, an angel gets the flu.

- When your nose starts running, an angel is out of toilet paper.

- When you hear a fart, an angel just lost it's wings.

- Everytime someone says "Holy Shit!", an angel shits itself.

- When you pay a cover at a bar and then immediately leave and ask for a refund, an angel asks another angel if it's mad at him repeatedly.

- When you hear someone yelling angrily in French, you are probably in France.
(sorry, had to add that)

- When you drop a dumpling on the floor, an angel ponders something intangible.

- When you run over a squirrel in your car, an angel gets the shit kicked out of him in some dive bar in Jersey by a trucker named Dale.

Oh, and every time you post a blog an angel loses 50 or so brain goal has been and continues to be to make a large group of God's good angels drooling idiots in my lifetime.

Happy Holidays!

Having been full of Hot Turkey Goodness....

Friday, December 1, 2006

Dear Brooklyn, New York...

I give up, you win. I forfeit to you all remaining heart-friendly dark chocolates, and any ability to spell that I have remaining.

Please release your grip.


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